Sunday 3 December 2006

Of distractions and forgetfulness

So I was, as always, strumming on my guitar in bed just before going off to sleep and I come up with an pretty enterprising riff and a chord combo to go with it. All of today has been about making a conscious effort to stick to the books. 3 days between exams is awful...

The other day I was making to PS an observation about the amount of 'knowledge' I gather about a subject in the 24 hours preceding a paper and the equally amazing 1 hour after the exam, after which I'd be lucky to be able to spell the subject name.

I was also unwisely trying to do some cross-subject thinking and memorising before the IOS paper and my abject ignorance of so much (or at least inability to remember, if not ignorance always) really hit me.

"In 6/8 months time, I'll be a lawyer. If someone comes to me with a problem, then what?"

Scary thought....really is...god save my clients.

"Close my eyes, close my doors
You'll never find me out cold
Broken mind, broken body
That's alright - its just for me"

1 comment:

Johnny said...

thats just the nerves around the exam time that makes you like that, if its the case on a regular basis, then there goes my hopes of availing a free lawyer :(, LOL