Friday 27 June 2008

Update...just an update

I dare say this post's a tad overdue. And while stories of my various adventures gallivanting across India might fill up a few pages, I'm not terribly keen on getting that down into type. So I find myself with writer's block - wondering when I might actually get some productive work(?) done this month.

On my summer to-do list were three simple things:
1. Exercise
2. Learn how to play the damn guitar
3. Write something

I'm a clear zero on all fronts this far. Unsurprisingly. What's truly worrying though, is the abject lack of counter-intertia. I like inertia. Usually moving inertia., but any will do. Right now I feel like a lump of clay. And quite honestly I'm beginning to look like one too. (well - if a cartoonist had to sketch me, anyhow).

Project for tomorrow is interesting and will hopefully take place. V1 has agreed to try and put together an easy chair made from corrugated cardboard. If it works, it may look very similar to my first easy chair in London.

Perhaps I will restart Music Education 101 tomorrow as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you might like to know you (and your guitar) is one of the reasons i tried to teach myself how to play...i can kind of play I Will by the Beatles now...really slowly...only chords...