Wednesday, 16 July 2008


The past couple of days have been odd. First, in view my stagnating skills, I had my first real session trying to learn to actually play the guitar again without much luck. As it turns out, the electrician in charge of wiring our beloved house, amongst various other eccentricities, also had an aversion to earthing lines. As a result, my guitar provided me with periodic surges of current whenever my hands brushed the bridge. Thankfully, news of Kiddo's latest foray into the musical world made up for that, even if she hasn't been regular with her blogging.

Second, I visited one of those overpriced movie theatres (again) to watch a Hindi movie for the second time this year. For fear of public ridicule, I shall not openly name either of the movies. Suffice it to say that whereas I survived one courtesy of consistent sarcastic comments between us, I survived the other thanks to amusing cameo roles, the odd well-portrayed minor character and above all, Bombay nostalgia.

Third, not for the first time in the life of the Sridhar boys, I have decided to try and catalogue our books. God bless my soon-to-be-asthmatic lung.


aanchan said...

Shreyas, are those books really worth all that?

Shruti said...