Monday, 3 December 2007

Ignorance is like an exotic fruit....

An 18 year-old genius defending her amazing performance when answering why she thinks Americans can't locate the USA on a map.

Note her new answer where she vouches for the intelligence of her friends, acquaintances and just about anyone she's ever met.

1 comment:

Johnny said...

i can't believe she's going to go and do her masters in graphic design and pursue a career in that field...ugh, i shudder to think what the future of graphic design is gonna be like.

i'm still stunned by how oblivious americans are to stuff outside of the US. infact i wouldn't be suprised if more than half didnt know the names of all their 50 states itself.

100 days to Maiden...sweet, looking forward to hear post show feedback and a lot of pictures.