Friday, 30 November 2007

The Gracious Way?

This is a serious issue, but I'm in an inessential class with no chance of participation - so it's going to be a rant.... A couple of issues that have found me somewhat confused on my position, particularly seeing as I claim to know a little (very little) about international law.

First see this, and the Comfort Women coming back to haunt Japan for the upmteenth time. Then take a look at this ,which is a draft of the resolution in the US Congress to label the Turkish massacre of Armenians as 'genocide'.

Fundamental issue: what does it matter what country 'A' says about country 'B' 50, 60, 70 years on? Apologise and make some people happy - give them the closure they need. Unfortunately, international law (and indeed, diplomatic practice) says it matters - it will go down in history as a genocide or as a country responsible for the Comfort Women with the country in question having acceded to this.

Do we need a change?

"To courage find and gracious will
Deliver good from ill
Clean the water clean our guilt
With us do what you will

Then will my judge appear
Bear no false angel that I hear
For only then I will confess
To my eternal hell

Now give us our holy sign
Changing the water into wine
So to you we bid farewell
Kingdom of heaven to hell"

- The Pilgrim by Iron Maiden

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