Thursday, 26 April 2007

What the heck...

After Evidence, I've taken a 24 hour break (a complete break) in celebration of the fact that I had 5 days (now 4) to my next paper. These 24 hours have included a Die Hard marathon...watching all 3 in the order: 1-3-2. This took place thanks to a swap with NY where I traded one of MY CD's for the Die Hard DVD (mine again), which she's had for months. Somehow I feel she got the better end of the deal.
The break is scheduled to come to an end in about 15 minutes, which is why I decided to blog as my final act...
News is that I am terribly disappointed in the final line-up. After the SF draw, I was really hoping for a NZ-SA and a new addition to the list of WC winners. Unfortunately, both have got so comprehensively thumped that it would have been a travesty to let them through. Despite AD's general weirdness and Lankan heritage(??), I'm with her on this one...
In other news, my withdrawal symptoms have finally died down after showing themselves off for 10 days. Phew...
Pretty incredible lyrics these - when you think about it...Dave Mustaine ki jai!
"This morning I made the call
The one that ends it all
Hanging up,i wanted to cry
But dammit,this wells gone dry

Not for the money,not for the fame
Not for the power,just no more games

But now Im safe in the eye of the tornado
I cant replace the lies,that let a 1000 days go
No more living trapped inside
In her way Ill surely die
In the eye of the tornado,blow me away "
-Tornado of Souls by Megadeth

1 comment:

BeeDee said...

general weirdness????

that thanksgiving invite may soon be fast disappearing...;)