Friday, 28 October 2005

Judgment Day

And finally, it happens. I am a judge for the first time (officially, mind you - its happened several times unofficially). How it happened and AR and I got invited is a long story I will spare you lot. But it was interesting as also mindnumbing at the same time.

Got to judge a bunch of debates at Campion school. 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th stds. That's 4 different debates, not the same one.

Topics: (pleeeeeze dont laugh - not my pick)

7th - Exams test a student's real worth
8th - Money can buy everything, even happiness
9th - Peer pressure is more beneficial than harmful
10th - Migration is eroding Mumbai's individuality

We were allowed to ask them questions after they finished speaking. Trust me, it was really hard to come up with a question for some. I was so clueless about one that I asked:

"Do you think you would be as confident debating in nothing but a pair of shorts, instead of a shirt pant and tie?" - this was for the money topic

In any case, I'm not entirely new to the concept or process of judging. Often, I would sit through a whole moot and judge the mooters, rank them etc etc. I always do it to myself, so it comes fairly naturally. But the questions...jeez.

One poor kid totally choked and simply repeated the propostion. Then he looks at me (rather arrogantly, I might add) and says, "Do you have any q's". I really feel like laughing, but I give him my elder-brother-sympathises with-you smile and shake my head!!!

Anyway - the crux of the whole thing is that I made 300 bucks in crossword vouchers. Will venture after exams and pick up a nice book. Suggestions are welcome.

Studies are going terribly. I am remaking my schedules every 36-40 hours. Am really unprepared and am very stressed out about the fact that I'm not stressed out.

"Don't know much about history
Don't know much biology
Don't know much about a science book
Don't know much about the French I took"

-Simon and Garfunkel -
What a Wonderful World (...will leave out the remainder of the verse for reasons you'll figure if you know the song)

1 comment:

Johnny said...

dude, i'm gonna club u soon, if u dont come online soon...its been like forever since i spoke to u...i know exam frenzy and all, but i know ur not studying all the time...:P

and judge for school children..dude ur a celebrity now for them ;) :D

take care dude,
best of luck with preps