Wednesday, 12 October 2005

The Cap at the end of the Race

This blog will primarily be about an event that I purposely left out from my previous blog. The reason being I wanted to discuss it a bit more.

Before I actually get's a photo of us performing at College. The funny guy in the middle looking dorky in formals, the Wimbledon cap and an electric guitar with a mic in his face is me. SM and AR flanking.

There's a story behind the formals - I actually carried my Kurt Cobain T-Shirt to put on and AR was very happy with it..but then it just looked really weird with the formal pants and shoes, so i decided against it. AR was very disappointed - almost pissed with me, particulary since he had his Nepalese skull cap on!!! SM's do was the bandana. I, of course, always have THE CAP.

Anyway - now to the event...I-Rock. It took place at some god-forsaken part of the city after being cancelled at Gateway a month earlier. The show was ok - the good covers, the bad originals, the growlers, the screamers and the mosh pit were all as usual.

The thing is I didn't madly enjoy myself (also due to the fact that no Nirvana or Maiden was played). I mean, I listen to loud music, usually like to start the day with Brave New World or Blood Brothers on my way to College. But there was something 'not quite right' about a bunch of adults/ nearly adults going to watch a bunch of guys performing and moving their heads up and down in synchrony. Don't get me wrong - give me a live performance over a recording any day.

The thing was - and I finally put my finger on it on the ride home - I didnt want to be there to listen, I wanted to be there to perform. It's really not that hard, and this is one of the reasons you see the college photo in this blog. With little or no experience amongst us and relatively little skill, the three of us didn't just put together 2 songs in two days - we also actually composed the violin's bits!!!

Given a bunch of guys who know how to go about their stuff, I'm pretty sure I can be up there- and it remains my target (my dream, perhaps) to do that one day. The electric will be in purusance of this...and maybe I'll be able to play rhythm while I sing.

All this profound thought aside - I need to know who reads this blog. Just the other day 'Muscle Girl' told me that 'Footnote Unaware' reads the blog. This is most disconcerting, for I am often very tempted to bitch on this blog. So if you are not among the usual suspects - kindly put your hand up and post a comment. The one thing that you'll may not comment about is the nicknames I give you.

Right - that's it.

All men dream, but unequally.
Those that dream at night in the dusty recesses of their minds awake the next day to find that their dreams were just vanity.
But those who dream during the day with their eyes wide open are dangerous men; they act out their dreams to make them reality.

-TE Lawrence

I wonder where I fit...


Johnny said...

hey mate, how u doing?? live concert and all, huh? u now an official rockstar dude...u need a drummer for ur band or vocals? ;)
maybe u can come to the UK and we can go on a euro tour...record a couple of demos and make it big...then we can retire by the time we're 35 and live a happy life...what say? =D

howz things going for you otherwise? haven't seen u online like forever now...i know u dont have exams coming up for another 3 weeks or cut the nakra and log on :P

planning to go to oxford in the first week of november, so will def. meet up with ur bro then...

BTW: what nick do u have for me ;)?? since u've come up with ones for everyone :)

BeeDee said...

i'm one of the usual suspects. get online sometimes. and play some boggle. i'm quite bored and sick of work, i need to beat u brothers at boggle to rejuvenate myself. heh.