Friday, 23 September 2005

Rock but no Roll

My first performance with a guitar in my hand. Incidentally an electric guitar. This year, I decided that after my self-imposed exile from the College's annual 'Inaugural Day' performances, I would finally have a blast by playing and screaming on stage.

First task - get a band together. So we managed to put together 4 of us...2 who can play a guitar, one, a violin and a drummer. Drummer AM couldn't make it on a weekday due to work obligations and furious bosses who weren't very happy that he was going on study leave. Other guitarist SM and violinist AR were up for it, but we only managed to get together on on Wed.

My first recco for a song was 'The Boxer' - S &G, primarily keeping the violin in mind. That was vetoed as everyone said that we'd be lucky if there was anyone in the audience who'd have heard the song. 2nd recco was 'She Will be Loved' - Maroon 5. Vetoed by me, saying that my self-respect was at stake (singing pop song on stage would be of far greater embarassment than having my finger stuck in my nose in the middle of a job interview...not to mention far more damaging as well!!)

And so we went the classics way... Song 1 - Californication (RHCP). Song 2 - Higher(Creed).

The tough part wasn't so much the singing or the playing, but really the combining of 2 guitars and coming up with stuff for the violin to play. Rest assured that these songs were not written with a violin in mind! Anyway things went off really well in practice...the voice was finally feeling a little free after a long long is now finally nearing where I wanted it to be when I picked up the guitar.

First up was Higher - we were the first act after 2.5 hours of Kajrare and Dhol Bhaje
types of dhinchaak songs. Everyone was screaming 'Rock Show' by then. (not for us naturally - there was this hostel band scheduled to play)

First time round with Higher and I totally screwed up - wrong pitch and all that...disaster. Stopped after a line and a half and restarted.

Things were great from thereon except that the sound guy was really irritating. SM's guitar was obv softer (being an accoustic with a pickup) and he refused to raise it was almost not heard. My vocal mic was so soft that I ended up literally screaming both songs out - pretty tiring. But all's well that....

In any case, what this 'performance' has done is convince me to pick up a good electric. Maybe I shall convince mama to forfeit the bike upgrade and do the guitar upgrade instead. Scoping will begin this week or early next week for specs and basic features to look out for, hopefully with bigger A's help - he seems to know a couple of things about guitars.

The whole thing has been recorded on the handy cam - will put on CD soon...anna is welcome to subject his ears to torture as and when.

I wanted to blog a couple of pics - but for some reason its not happening.. next time then.


BeeDee said...

send send. am grinning widely at this point.

Saranya said...

well, at least amma can feel happy that all those years of having her ears assaulted by noise was not in vain!
Do you want me to ask Shalav, he had a band in college. Lead vocalist and rhythm...