Sunday, 20 March 2005


I'm incredibly excited today.. I experienced something that I don't think many have had the opportunity to - synchronised traffic in Bombay!! It may not be intended by the authorities, but I shall give them the benefit of the doubt and say it is.

For the uninformed, synchronised traffic is a concept relatively new to the Indian roads. FYI, I first had a taste of it in Delhi some 8 or 9 years ago. It's the way a series of signals work so that you get all greens if you proceed at a certain speed. Warning - this next para might require some basic knowledge of the route from College to home. (both are mine i.e. my college and my home)

Begin on a Saturday evening at around 8:03 p.m. from College. Exit 'D' Road on to Marine Drive and catch the last part of the green signal (i.e. as its turning to amber). Then proceed at a steady 50 kmh in a northerly direction on Marine Drive until you come to the right at Chowpatty. Take the right and continue at a slower pace of around 30 kmh towards the Hughes Road junction. From hereon , it gets a little tricky, since the road from here to Nana Chowk is a little narrow, 50 kmh may feel faster than it is, but you have to hit 50 if you wish to hit the Nana Chowk green, heading towards Tardeo.

Throughout this you should keep hitting green signals without having to stop unless the line at the signal is really long. In which case I suggest you get on to a bike to complete this experiment successfully so that appropriate weaving may be performed as and when required. If you are unable to procure a bike, ask Lance Armstrong if he'll take you pillion.

As Mr. Armstrong has come up, I've recently noticed a number of people who have been wearing this yellow bracelet type thing (hereinafter referred to as the 'bracelet'. However - that it not to say that it looks like a piece of jewellery. It really looks like a wrist band) around their wrist. For those who are clueless about this - the bracelet is merchandise being sold to raise funds for Cancer patients under a Fund set up by or in collaboration with Lance Armstrong. I think it's a great idea, and while the bracelets are pretty gaudy aesthetically (that is to say that I hope they're not being used by individuals as a fashion statement), the idea and the support it looks to be receiving is fantastic. I just hope the funds are being used appropriately. (Don't look at me weirdly - this is just a hangover of knowing how certain things not quote me on this!!)

A clarification needs to be issued about my previous blog "'Fun' in my life". It seems the Censor Board goes through publicity material as well.

OK.. I have decided that my calling in life is to be a member of that Censor Board. I wonder how one applies? Is there some sort of test to check whether one's hormones are working alright so as to ensure that the Board member's opinion is a valid one? I just hope that there are no geriatrics on that Board. It would be a shame to waste all that material on them.

Its pretty late at the end of a tiring day and I'm afraid I have no further interesting nor amusing tidbits to contribute to this blog. Oh.. I did win a trophy in College today and I'm occasionally kicked about it. That is I feel a bit light in the head (now I attribute that to the trophy, whereas some with not so straight minds may...) until I open my bag and re-examine my syllabus, its contents, and the part that it is still pending for me to complete. Either way, I've decided that regardless of what happens as regards my studying, I shall continue to ramble in my blog, as I often have in the past, in my undying quest to subject the majority of the people reading this to a level of boredom and frustration that my life brings upon me.

For once I don't have a quote to end this blog..but that's not on. So I shall just end with another from Kurt Cobain's collection of quotable quotes. This one's from a song called 'Serve the Servants' where he's basically talking about teenage angst directed at his parents amongst other infernally confounding life experiences that I'm pretty sure no one wants to know about (Not even me, I can assure you. Even though that book anna gave me might well be useful..hmm...some research tonight perhaps). It's a tad amusing if you think about it. Brought to my face that crooked smile some of you'll might have noticed in the past when things around me are awkwardly funny.

" I just want you to know that
I don't hate you anymore.
There is nothing I can say
that I haven't thought before. "

1 comment:

Johnny said...

synchronised traffic, eh?? well i'm going to have to see it before i believe it...did it happen to you more than once, cause if not then it was just a stroke of luck..

armstrong?? cancer fund?? huh? what the hell is all that about? is lance really in mumbai? interesting, most interesting indeed (who does that remind u of?)

u dont need to be a lawyer to join the censor board which is a basically a bunch of retards out of job...or a group of talented actors/actress pleading temporary insanity...and for you that shouldn't be a problem at all...but if your going to finish law school then atleast do something more worthwhile with ur degree...

trophy and all eh?? congratulations matey, but exactly for what did u get the trophy ??

and kurt cobain over any quote for me...any given day of the week...