Tuesday, 15 March 2005

Me and my moots

Moots seem to have become an integral part of my life - or so I believe..or maybe so I hope. Today, for the first time I sat on the other side of things and judged a practice moot. It was interesting to note how unreasonable one becomes when you aren't mooting. I'll probably curse aggressive judges a lot less now.. provided, of course, that I win the moot.

Anyway - on to more mundane things now and the ever-efficient Bombay University has finally told us when our exams will be held..which reminds me..I think I have prelims starting day after tomorrow. Hmmm.. probably time to open up the Environmental Law book and get past this nonsense about who gets my ever-dwindling estate when I die. I have also received a rude shock as regards my mobile phone bill for the month of January. It seems calling it the MCA PCO wasn't too far off the mark with a Rs. 2183 bill. I can only picture amma's face when she first saw it with much amusement...laughter is the best medicine isn't it?

When life is dull in general, one enjoys perking it up with ridiculous ventures that usually don't cross the sanest of minds. It seems my life isn't quite dull enough.. I had a meeting with the freshers about next year's DMH..11 months away. (What's wrong with me??) (Clarification: That question was merely rhetorical and need not be answered through a comment.)

Today's blog is quite a ramble and yet I feel good when I sit down on my Computer and 'Punch the keys' (remember Sean Connery in 'Finding Forrester'?) for 10 minutes. I recommend it for anyone with a mildly foolish brain and a penchant to produce works of literary genius despite a lack of neural activity above the eyes. I just put up one of my favourite poems on my wall in front of my table..here's an excerpt from it - no speech or piece from me is ever complete without a quote:

"I am a part of all that I have seen.
Yet all experience is an arch wherethro'
Gleams that untravell'd world, whose margin fades
For ever and for ever when I move."

Wouldn't it be wonderful to sometimes just follow the road you really want to without having to stop and look at the scenery because everyone else does, and because fuel is too expensive to keep moving without earning?


Saranya said...

2183...hmmm...that wasn't laughter my boy, it was the first stage of denial!

Johnny said...

dude that wasn't so much the laughter of amusement as in the secret smile of the mischief to come, like "Boy, u are SOOO DEAD, when your father sees this...;)", but seriously 2183?? who you been calling so much *raised eyebrow*?? or is it just the rates been hiked in mumbai again??